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BC Living features Crystal Hills Organics in Local Companies That Give Back (aka Guilt-free Shopping)
“An increasing number of businesses are committed to giving back as an integral part of their business. Corporate giving is nothing new, but an increasing number of businesses, even small mom-and-pop type shops, are committed to making giving back an integral part of their business. They are donating either a percentage of every purchase or a percentage of profits to local charities.

Here are a few B.C.-based businesses that are making giving back a part of the bottom line…

Crystal Hills Organics is an Okanagan-based beauty company that sells crystal-infused body products like body creams and oils. Owner Andrea Barone donates eight per cent of profits to three charities. She says that while Crystal Hills Organics only sources fair trade and zero conflict crystals, many people don’t realize that children are quite often used in for mining crystals and semiprecious stones. Free the Children supports fair trade and is against child labour.” ~ BC Living

Read it here.

BC Living features Crystal Hills Organics local companies that give backBC Living features Crystal Hills Organics local companies that give back

Andrea S. Barone

Based in the serene Okanagan Valley in British Columbia, my passion lies in promoting a health-conscious lifestyle that synergizes with the natural world. With a foundational background in Biological Sciences and Occupational Health and Safety, my curiosity and dedication to holistic well-being steered me toward becoming a Chartered Herbalist. Driven by the ancient wisdom of herbs and their profound potential to heal, I ventured further into the realm of Organic Skincare Formulation. As the CEO and founder of Crystal Hills Organics, I craft luxurious skincare products that not only pamper and rejuvenate the skin but are also rooted in the science of nature, embodying our commitment to empowering health and beauty through nature’s healing.

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