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How Setting Intentions Can You Help Harness the Power of Self-Love

“The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewire the chemistry of your own body” ~ Dr. Bruce Lipton

Intention setting and self-love are two concepts that are rarely placed together.

Here is why: while one makes us proactive, the other not so much. But what if we combined them?

Self-love is a state everyone needs to achieve. Why? Research shows that by harnessing the power of self-love, three things automatically happen:

  1. Reduced anxiety and depression. In today’s chaotic world, we all need this.
  2. You recover better from stress. As we go about our daily lives, we pick up stress from different situations, your 9-5, dealing with employees, your family, and even yourself.
  3. And finally, we become optimistic about life.

All of this is from appreciating ourselves for who we are and where we are.


There are several ways to harness the power of self-love but with the intention setting, we can make the most of it.

How is this possible?

Dr. Bruce Lipton, a recognized developmental biologist summarized the concept of intention setting and the psychology behind its effectiveness.

Intention setting is “the beliefs we hold in our minds are converted into electromagnetic fields by nerve cells and the brain ‘broadcasts’ this information to all of the cells within our body. Cells respond to the information in these energy fields and use it to control their behavior and gene activity.”

We can conclude from this that intention setting results in psychological and physiological events that affect our entire state of being.

So, setting intentions allows you to establish some practices deep inside your consciousness and even your subconsciousness. Being intentional about what you do can double an outcome over just being motivated to make changes.


Here’s how you can practice it towards achieving complete self-love.

Harnessing the Power of Self-Love by Setting Intentions: Practical Steps

  1. First, meditate to reflect on your life and your beliefs about yourself. If you are to achieve self-love, you need to figure out what you are currently are telling yourself. What negative stories are you playing in your head?
  2. Secondly, you need to figure out what new story you want running through your mind. Set intentions for what you want to create in your life. Perhaps you want to feel that you are worthy of love, or you want to be able to face the world with confidence.
  3. Set up practices that align with the intentions you want to achieve. How do you intend to achieve your goals? What practical steps do you need to take? Perhaps you need to set aside 5 minutes every morning to meditate or do a bit of yoga to put you in a better frame of mind.
  4. Finally, you can augment these practices with intentional self-love affirmations. It’s not simply repeating mantras, you want to be intentional about those affirmations and feel the words you are saying.  When saying phrases like “I am worthy of love” or “I am loveable“, it is important that you feel love for yourself.

Create mantras and repeat them while you connect yourself with love and beauty through symbolic energy-filled items. And they will do the magic.


Try these four steps to harness the power of self-love and work towards a more fulfilling tomorrow. 


Andrea S. Barone

Based in the serene Okanagan Valley in British Columbia, my passion lies in promoting a health-conscious lifestyle that synergizes with the natural world. With a foundational background in Biological Sciences and Occupational Health and Safety, my curiosity and dedication to holistic well-being steered me toward becoming a Chartered Herbalist. Driven by the ancient wisdom of herbs and their profound potential to heal, I ventured further into the realm of Organic Skincare Formulation. As the CEO and founder of Crystal Hills Organics, I craft luxurious skincare products that not only pamper and rejuvenate the skin but are also rooted in the science of nature, embodying our commitment to empowering health and beauty through nature’s healing.

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